Me and my cuddle bug after bathtime (I might be right up there with daddy now!)
Saturday morning breakfast
Little colder than he's used to! This scarf and hat was given to him by his nannies.
Minivan is looking a little crowded! (one of the moments I dreamt about - seeing all my babies back there =)
Quick trip to the zoo to see the dino exhibit and the monkeys (zoopasses are the best!) It felt good to get out today!
Yeah...there's nothing like it (we've come a long way!!)
I LOVE this necklace my wonderful friends and kairos partners, Cassie and Kristin gave me!!!
Just had to include this one - I promise I didn't stage this!
It's been another fun day with Zachary. He's is such an amazing little boy and so delightful. Tonight he copied us saying all 4 of the kids' names - he is such a quick little guy. He is very busy but it's an exploring, playing, being silly kind of busy. He still gets pretty upset at naptime and bedtime and is very cautious around new people but overall he seems to be adjusting so well. I have had so many people ask me about the language barrier and how we would communicate with Zac. I remember someone saying that would be the least of our worries and they were right. I don't often know what he's saying but somehow we communicate just fine! He is picking up English words so quickly and we know some Mandarin now so we get by.
Last night we watched a movie as a family and he snuggled in my lap the whole time. I just drank it all in...I am still completely amazed that he is here in our house. We all are so in love with him - I can't even explain it. He is OUR baby, without a doubt. There is such a joy in our home - there always has been but it has grown with Zachary here. His smile is so bright. We noticed that on many of the pictures we had gotten from the orphanage he had a big smile on his face and now we can see why! He is a joyful child and loves to make us laugh.
I finally unpacked the suitcases today (we've been home a week =). Not gonna lie, I am exhausted keeping up with these five busy little ones but I count it as JOY!! I often sing the little Veggie Tales song, "A Thankful Heart is a Happy Heart" to my kids (and they roll their little eyes at their dorky mom) but it's true! I am so very thankful and my heart is overflowing. We have been sustained by lots of prayers and delicious meals from sweet friends (thank you!!!).
My good friend Sara came over yesterday with her little daughter who was adopted from China and at one moment Samantha and Zachary were standing together and I just looked at them and words can't describe the awe I felt at our God, who parted the waters and made a a way for these two beautiful 2-year-olds to be here together. Sara has been my encourager, my prayer warrior, my friend in this process and being together with our two little Asian miracles was a very special moment for me. It also made me think about all the other Zacharys and Samanthas out there who are these incredible children, created and loved by our Father in heaven who still need a family. I have had two people talk to me about starting the adoption process since I got home - God is moving on behalf of the orphans and He will make a way!!
Time to turn in and rest when they are resting...blogs might be few and far between now but I will continue to update how things are going in the Vandewater house. I have been so surprised at how many people have said, "I read your blog!" This is God's story so it makes me happy to know people are following it and celebrating with us. Humbled and grateful...jaymi
Those are some sweet, sweet photos. I am so happy to see he is settling right in to his new family (and showing you some love). And you are right, this is God's story. What a blessing!!